Night Call is set in Brisbane, Queensland, and follows the adventures of Matt Hawkins--warrior, psychic and vampire-slayer extraordinaire! His sidekick is Mercy Belique, a vampire femme fatale, trained by Matt to hunt her own kind. Together they'll take on just about anything, be it vampire, ghoul or werewolf.
Into their dangerous lives comes Erin McRea--ex-cop, PI and extremely tenacious. If anyone can unravel the tangled web of deceit, lies and misdirection around Matt and Mercy, she can. And she will.
One of the main locations in Night Call is Dutton Park Cemetery. Old, neglected and home to ghouls. To see photos of it,
click here.
Into their dangerous lives comes Erin McRea--ex-cop, PI and extremely tenacious. If anyone can unravel the tangled web of deceit, lies and misdirection around Matt and Mercy, she can. And she will.
One of the main locations in Night Call is Dutton Park Cemetery. Old, neglected and home to ghouls. To see photos of it,
click here.
Book 1
Book 2
Book 2.5
Book 3